Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Yum Yum Gimme Some FOOD!!!

Now that I am eating big girl food I want to feed myself! I'm a messy eater!

Helping Daddy

I am helping Daddy & Buster put the new floor in! Okay maybe I am not helping as much as I am providing cute entertainment!!


Grandma & Grandpa bought me the coolest toy ever! Check out my jumparoo!! I had so much fun jumping! Sometimes I would get so excited I almost hit the ceiling!

Little Fishy!!

When I was 8 weeks old Mommy took me swimming in the big pool while Grammy exercised her knee! I loved it! I kicked and splashed!! But when I started to get wrinkley hands and toes Grandpa took me out to warm up and dry off!

Hi Uncle Eric!

Uncle Eric & Aunt Jamie came all the way from Portland, Oregon, to see me over New Years! I slept most of the time but when I was awake I was so cute!!

7 Weeks old & Definitely a Schuller!

I was sleeping, but I heard how much fun Mommy, Grammy, and Grandpa were having playing Shang-Hi! Grammy even let me play, and we won!

So Smart!

Hey look at me! I learned how to hold my own bottle and I am only 7 weeks old! Ok it may have been an accident but by 12 weeks I had it down!

Monday, October 16, 2006


Hey look, I found my Feet!!

Mommy & Me

3 Months Already?!

Hailey is 3 months old already!

Hey look at my favorite toys and my bunny slippers!!


Burrrr!! February is so cold! Cuddling up with my favorite blankie!

Merry Christmas!

Merry 1st Christmas Hailey!!

Blast Off!!

Hailey is in her "Space Shuttle"

Hey look! BUGS! I LOVE my BUGS!

The pink cover keeps me warm and cozy during the frigid Minnesota winter!!

Daddy's Girl

Ahh...aren't we cute???

Splish Splash, Monster is in the Bath!

Hailey loves taking baths! Here she is getting her first bath, she loved it! As soon as Grammy and Mommy put her in the water she relaxed her little hands and feet and as soon as we tried to take her out...look what happened!!

Monster's Arrival

Hailey was born Saturday, December 10th, 2005 at 6:36 pm. She's a beautiful baby girl, weighing in at 8 lbs 6 oz, stretching out to 19 1/2 inches long.
She had about 3 strawberry blonde strands of hair (ok more than 3 strands, but not much more!) She also had gorgeous blue eyes, but we didn't get to see very much of them because she slept so much!! On Sunday she had so many visitors, and we all tried waking her up but she slept through the whole day only waking up for Daddy! Hm...Daddy's girl already!