Thursday, December 28, 2006

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

More Birthday Pictures

New toys. She loves to play with her Babies

Bags are fun too. This was the coolest gift bag, it has pictures of Hailey on it! She points to the pictures and says "baby" its so cute!!! We still let her play with it!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas 2006

Merry Christmas!!
Big Fish Little Fish!!

Helping Daddy open his presents!

Hailey with Grandma & Grandpa Pahl

After opening all of her new toys she still wanted to tease Daddy!

1st Birthday Party (Momma's side)

We had Mom's side of the family over to celebrate Hailey's birthday on December 16th. It was a pretty good afternoon. Unfortunately she had an ear infection and had to have a series of three shots, three days in a row, and was on day two for her party so she had sore little legs. Overall she was a happy baby, but she was to tired to eat her cake! She got a lot of new books that we love! It's one of our favorite things to do together! I was so busy that I forgot to take pictures, so if anyone has some please email them to me!!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Who had more fun?

I am not sure who had more fun opening presents! Hailey or Daddy! I think Daddy did!

This is Hailey's favorite toy! We had a hard time getting her off it to go to bed!

1st Birthday Party (Pahl Side)

Happy Birthday Hailey! I can't believe it has already been a year. Today we had Hailey's 1st Birthday Party on Daddy's side. It was a good day! She went to see Santa Loren with Grandma & Grandpa Pahl then came home to her birthday party! Hailey had her own 5 inch cake- she got frosting all over her fingers and face and eventually in her eyes (she wasn't happy about that!)

We had a good afternoon, watching Hailey, Sofia and Hannah play.


I love drivin' in my car! I know how to work the door, and the trunk! Now I have a place to keep all my books!!


Happy Halloween!!!! ROARRR!!!! I am a lion!

Pumpkin Patch!

We went to the pumpkin patch out by our house and picked out pumpkins and took a few pictures!

Check Out My Hair!

I went from Bald to having a mullet, now I look just like Nikki! Just kidding, it's just Nates wig! Looks better on Nate though!

Faster Grandpa! Faster!!!

Grandpa pulls me around the yard in my sled while I try to catch the leaves!

Is that Goober in Your Ear?

This is uncle Eric, he's so fun! He puts me on his shoulders and doesn't care if I goober up his hair or his ears!

Minnesota Weather

Grandpa is trying to keep me warm in the crazy Minnesota weather! Hey Grandpa, my foots hanging out!

Look Who's WALKING!

Learning how to walk has been lots of fun! Good thing the house is baby-proofed because now I am in to everything!! (Sorry I can't figure out how to flip the picture)

Drinking from a Straw

Drinking from a straw sounds pretty easy, and mommy thought I wouldn't make a mess with one but I did!

Tickle Monster!

Daddy's tickling me!

6 Months & Still Jumpin'

Still jumpin' in my jumparoo!


Here I am in my swing at Grammy & Grandpa Haney's house! I love to be pushed in my swing, but ya better watch out cause I also love to kick!

Learning to Crawl!

I learned how to crawl at 5 months old! I wanted that ball so bad, and I finally got it!!