Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Face

I just love this face so I had to post it!

MN Zoo!

Last Sunday Sarah & I took Monster and Sophia to the MN Zoo, the girls had so much fun! We walked the tropical trail & saw all sorts of crazy animals!
We stopped to see the monkeys for awhile before heading over to the fish tanks for a snack
Of course we couldn't get both girls to look at the camera at the same time! We had such a fun day and the girls were so well behaved! I can't wait for it to warm up so we can walk the outside trails!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Monster has been learning new things at an amazing rate. Unfortunately not everything she learns is a cute & adorable.
Last week I put Monster in her high chair and strapped her in, it was dinner time. I was at the microwave (approximately 4 ft away) stirring her mac & cheese and when I looked over she was standing on top of the tray! She almost gave mommy a heart attack! I wish I had a picture of this but I was in such a hurry to get her off the tray before she fell I didn't have time to snap a picture!
As many of you know we have about a 30 mile commute to daycare everyday and Monster HATES her car seat. So naturally she fights with her seat belt the whole way. She has figured out how to get her arms out of the straps! So when I hear her struggling with the straps I flip my mirror down and angle it at her and say "No" and she gives me the pouty lip look (I will get a picture of this look and post it in the future) and then she starts crying! A real cry! She doesn't understand why its so important to sit in her seat, buckled! She will learn!
This last little Monster Tale is a little graphic, so if you're not up for a poop story, its time to X out. On Tuesday morning when I went in to get Monster ready for daycare I immediately smelled the smell. You all know what I am talking about! So I turned the light on and my jaw dropped. Monster was sitting in her crib, she had pulled her socks and pants off, unbuttoned her onesie, and taken off her stinky diaper. It gets worse. She is covered in poop! Head to toe. Literally. We are talking in her hair, on her face, between her toes. Where is the diaper you ask? She launched it out of the crib, it was laying on the floor and wasn't contained! I turned on my heel and started to run her a bath. She had two baths that morning. One to get the stinky poop off of her, and one to clean her up. After that I still had to tackle the stinky room. Crib, walls, floor. RUDE RUDE RUDE!! You know how much poop grosses me out so you can imagine my mood!! It was a lovely morning.
You may have noticed a theme to this blog. Monster hates to be confined and is always plotting her next escape which is how she developed the new nick name Houdini!!!

Couch Potato

Monster has learned another new trick! Yep you guessed it! She learned how to climb on the couch and because I follow her around with a camera most days, we caught her first climb! Here she is trying to climb on the couch

and here she is finally making it up on the couch!

She was so excited when she finally made it up, that she wouldn't even take a minute to look at me! So this is the best picture I could get!

We finally got Monster to sit down on the couch like a big girl. As you can see she was so excited that she made it up there by herself!