Monday, November 01, 2010

Halloween 2010

This year Hailey wanted to be a Princess for Halloween- she's SO GIRLIE!! I was worried being a Princess would be to cold since the majority of the princess costumes are skimpy little outfits so we compromised and decided Winter Belle from Beauty & the Beast would be the best Princess for Minnesota weather! Thankfully Grandma Diana took the initiative and made Hailey the cutest & most MN practical Princess costume! Hailey was able to wear a sweatsuit & her winter jacket under her costume.

Hailey & her best friend Sofia went trick or treating together again this year - these two little girls are so hot and cold! Some days they get along really well and are inseparable and somedays they fight like sisters over EVERYTHING. For the most part the girls did really well on Halloween but there were a few scuffles over who got to ring the doorbells.

Pumpkin Carving 2010

We carved pumpkins this year at Grandma & Grandpa Pahl's house with Uncle Nick & his girlfriend Linnea.

Hailey kept putting the guts back into her pumpkin so she could squish it around with her gloves. Then she filled her gloves with guts...kind of defeats the purpose of wearing gloves- not that it matters because she had guts all the way up to her arm pits!

Girls Night!

Hailey & I had Girls Night- we played Guess Who & Twister which turned to be a challenge with Daisy around...

Corn Maze

We took the girls to the Corn Maze one weekend where we all played in the gigantic corn pit.

The girls had so much fun jumping, running, and burying each other in the corn.

We followed the girls through the maze as they tried to work out who got to lead and which way was the right way to go.

Not sure what the big rush is with riding the Ponies, they only go in a circle but they both had a good time and kissed their ponies afterwards.