Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Monster's New Words

Now that Monster has had her tubes put in she has started talking again and she has learned so many new words. It seems like she learns a new word every day. She can say: Momma, Dadda, Bubba, Baby, Mine, Daisy, No-no-no, Yeah, Do, Hi and Bye. It seems like she knows a lot more but I can't remember them right now (I hate it when that happens!!)She is constantly talking or yelling, it's so funny. She has also started copying us. Last week I showed her daddy's tummy and then I asked her where daddy's tummy was and she walked over, lifted up his shirt and poked daddy in the tummy! It was so funny! She is getting so smart!
I thought of another one this morning, well actually she said it and then it hit me that I forgot it. She says Uh-oh! She will throw or drop something (or if you're not watching feed the dogs) and say uh-oh!

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