Today Monster had tubes put in her ears, and while she was under she also had her left tear duct opened, and cleaned out. It was a very stressful time for mommy & daddy but Monster did great! The anesthesiologist took her away at about 7:25 and we had her back by 7:50. They had us put her in a little yellow hospital gown with yellow hospital socks (that were a little to big, ok a LOT to big but they worked) she looked like a little monk. I just happened to have my camera in my purse so I had to take a picture because she was so cute. This was taken before her surgery, and she was getting hungry and tired so she doesn't look very happy.

Monster was tired and wanted to be cuddled this morning, but after her nap she was doing much better! She has started talking again (pretty much non-stop) and is so much happier! We are putting five drops in each ear two times daily and 1 drop in her eye 5 times daily. After her ear drops she is tippy on her feet but it doesn't last to long. She is a totally different baby than she was 24 hours ago! We are so grateful to have our happy, healthy baby back!!
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