Sunday, April 20, 2008

June 2007

June was a hot month and Hailey still had that itch to be outside all the time! So Grandpa made a makeshift awning over her swimming pool so she could swim without getting burned. Hey look, she has a little bit more hair!

Looking Back...It's Funny

In 2007 our little family went through quite a few changes, and as many of you know routine is key with toddlers. As we were adjusting to the new 'norm' Hailey had some trouble sleeping. She would wake up in the middle of the night and say "Party?" so I would tell her that no, there was no party. It was the middle of the night and everyone was sleeping. Then she would say "Party, Momma's room" and I would again explain that no, Momma's sleeping, the puppies are sleeping and you should be sleeping too. So I would try to put her back to bed but she really thought we were going to party, it would take FOREVER to get her to go back to sleep. Ok you're thinking its just one sleepless night...oh no no no we are talking weeks of 'partying' every night! At the time it wasn't funny at all, I was exhausted but now, looking back it's funny. Not that I want it to happen again or anything.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

May 2007

Hailey was definitely born into the right family...She loves dogs just as much as her dad and I do! Here she is playing outside with Megan, my dads dog.

She also loves to steal Grandpa's hat! Good thing since she has very little - very blonde hair!

April 2007

Remember that Spring Fever I told you about? We had a hard time keeping Hailey in the house in April! Grandma had bought her a mini playground and she loved it! She loved the slide- going up and Down!
Between the slide and the swing we were thankful the door had a deadbolt to keep her locked her in the house!

March 2007

March was a crazy month! It came in like a lion and left like a lamb! As you can see we got a ton of snow! My jeep was burried and a pain in the butt to dig out!

Dad and I spent hours plowing and shoveling their driveway (aka parking lot!) and a few of their neighbors out. It was heavy wet snow!!

Then two weeks later we were sitting outside in t-shirts. Welcome to Minnesota!

February 2007!

Hailey has always been a busy girl and in February she was getting spring fever so Grandpa brought her car upstairs and she learned how to open the door, honk the horn and put her books in the trunk! We spent lots of time pushing her around the house!
Hailey also likes to play with her light up ring tower toy.