Friday, January 29, 2010


Hailey loves to go to Edinborough, especially when she can go with a friend! In early January we went with Nikki & Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is 2.5 and needed some help getting through some of the passageways in the crazy playground so Nikki & I went in with the girls. The girls had so much fun, and it made Nikki & I feel like we were kids again!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winter 2009

Now that we're living in town again, close to family and friends we've been doing a lot more. Hailey is spending a lot of time socializing with her friends. She loves playing with her friends and running around and being crazy.
Here is Hailey and her friend Sofia. They've been good buddies since they were two. Sofia's mom Sarah and Brandon grew up together so its really nice that now our kids can grow up together- and actually like each other!! They're like two peas in a pod.

We took the girls sledding one afternoon in December- the girls had a blast. Hailey of course had no fear and went down the hill and hit a jump. Flew off the sled and landed on her forehead. I ran down the hill to make sure she was ok - she sat up cried for a few seconds and asked if she can do it again! She's such a daredevil, just like her father!!! Unfortunately for me I'm nervous Norvis and am constantly worried she'll hurt herself! Good thing she's like gumbi!

Christmas Day 2009

We had the best Christmas this year. We had both families over to our new house in Minnetonka. We opened presents and had brunch.

Hailey was so excited, and then so exhausted from all the activities that she wanted to go lay down in her bed. Yes she actually asked if she could go to her room to rest! That was a first.

This year we had a huge snow storm that started on Christmas Eve Day and continued through Christmas Day. In the afternoon we went out and built a snowman. It was so much fun!

We searched high and low for things to make frosty's face.

We ended using pine cones for eyes, an orange bottle cap for a nose, a piece of red pvc pipe for a mouth and an old sanding belt for a hat. Frosty was stylin'!

Santa 2009

This year Hailey was so excited to see Santa, she waited in line patiently and watched all the other kids climb up on Santa's lap and start crying and trying to get away. I thought once it was her turn she would do the same thing but she surprised me...she walked up to Santa, gave him a big hug sat on his lap with an arm around him, asked him for a Barbie, smiled nicely for pictures and gave him another hug when her turn was over. She was so excited that she got to talk to Santa!!

Florida April 2009

In April Brandon & I took a much needed vacation to Florida! We stayed with Brandon's friend Dusty's, Mom & Step Dad, Sandy & Kevin.

We had such a good time. We relaxed by the pool, went fishing, slept in (well till 7 or 8, its hard to turn off your brains auto alarm clock!).

Kevin took us fishing at night on the river- it was so cool we caught some Snook and some other stuff. We also got a chance to net some Shrimp & a crab or two! Shrimp are creepy looking- they have a little horn or something on their heads, and crabs if you pinch the joint between their arms and their claw they drop their claws! I should've taken a picture but didn't think of it.

This is Brandon holding a Jack fish. I actually caught the fish but...I don't touch fish!

These are really cool fish - check out
its mouth in this picture

We were at the boat launch with Kevin and this bird was floating by so Brandon fed him a few fish. He was very entertaining. I couldn't believe how close the bird got- clearly he's used to humans!
This picture was taken on our last day, in Kevin & Sandy's back yard. They have an amazing house and yard - with their own pool and water fall- its so cool. Their own private retreat! We had so much fun staying with them! Sandy makes the best spaghetti ever and Kevin knows all the secrets to catching the big fish at night!! It was so nice of them to let us stay with them and to show us around. Thanks guys, we had a great time!

Better late than never right?

Hailey is 4 now, and keeping us busier than ever! Here are a few snapshots of Hailey over the years