Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winter 2009

Now that we're living in town again, close to family and friends we've been doing a lot more. Hailey is spending a lot of time socializing with her friends. She loves playing with her friends and running around and being crazy.
Here is Hailey and her friend Sofia. They've been good buddies since they were two. Sofia's mom Sarah and Brandon grew up together so its really nice that now our kids can grow up together- and actually like each other!! They're like two peas in a pod.

We took the girls sledding one afternoon in December- the girls had a blast. Hailey of course had no fear and went down the hill and hit a jump. Flew off the sled and landed on her forehead. I ran down the hill to make sure she was ok - she sat up cried for a few seconds and asked if she can do it again! She's such a daredevil, just like her father!!! Unfortunately for me I'm nervous Norvis and am constantly worried she'll hurt herself! Good thing she's like gumbi!

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