Monday, April 05, 2010

Easter 2010

Santa must have a little case of alzheimers or he's trying to take the Easter Bunny's job because he stopped at our house on Easter morning! Hailey didn't get any candy in her Easter basket but she did get a bunch of new outside toys! Including a new bike, swing, ball, kite and a bunny throwing game.
Fortunately the Easter Bunny found his way to Grandma & Grandpa Pahl's house where Hailey enjoyed an easter egg hunt all over the yard! She was so cute, she would find one and hold it up like a trophy!

After an excellent Easter lunch at Doug & Diana's we went to the common's in Excelsior. Hailey fished with Doug & Brandon.

Hailey also flew her new kite, it's really small purple fairy - look really hard, you'll see it!

It was a perfect Easter!

1 comment:

McNeilly's Family Blog said...

I love that you are keeping your blog updated!!! Keep it coming!