Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Renaissance Festival

I have lived in Minnesota my whole life and had never been to the Renaissance Festival so it was about time to venture down to Shakopee and see what it was all about! I have never seen so many strange people in one place!!

Hailey with her fairy wings!
Riding a pony
Hailey & I on the ship swing!
We rode on this elephant it looks like she's eating that guys head! She wasn't really, just a funny picture! Oh and elephants don't feel like what I thought they would - their skin is really rough and hairy and icky.

Hailey riding a full size horse! I was shocked she would do it alone! But then again Hailey has very little fear!
Beer Turtle
Hailey, Diana & Stash! Hailey LOVED walking Stash around- you should've seen the looks we were getting. A little girl walking a 140lb Rottie around. It was hilarious. Stash was such a good boy!!

The bubble fairy- Hailey thought she was pretty cool and has since tried blowing her own big bubbles in the tub. Unforutnately she hasn't quite gotten it.

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