Monday, April 12, 2010

On Sunday afternoon Hailey & I finally made it to the park with Timber!

Aren't they cute?!

Hailey loves this thing!

Small World

Last weekend my friend Sarah went up to Brainerd to pick up her friend Kristin, who she grew up with but had moved away so Sofia spent the morning with Hailey & I. It was great! We went to the park and had a picnic, then back to our house to play in the yard. When Sarah and Kristin made it back into town I brought Sofia home, we were all going to go swimming and have a bonfire. So I pull up to Sarah's house and see Kristin...yeah we know each other too! She lived with her aunt & uncle just up the street from our old house and we used to play together as kids! It's such a small world! Now she has a daughter, Bri, who is almost one. It was a fun weekend! The girls had so much fun swimming and going down the water slide.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Easter 2010

Santa must have a little case of alzheimers or he's trying to take the Easter Bunny's job because he stopped at our house on Easter morning! Hailey didn't get any candy in her Easter basket but she did get a bunch of new outside toys! Including a new bike, swing, ball, kite and a bunny throwing game.
Fortunately the Easter Bunny found his way to Grandma & Grandpa Pahl's house where Hailey enjoyed an easter egg hunt all over the yard! She was so cute, she would find one and hold it up like a trophy!

After an excellent Easter lunch at Doug & Diana's we went to the common's in Excelsior. Hailey fished with Doug & Brandon.

Hailey also flew her new kite, it's really small purple fairy - look really hard, you'll see it!

It was a perfect Easter!

Coloring Easter Eggs

Sarah & Sofia came over to our house on Saturday to color Easter eggs, the girls had a lot of fun! It was so nice out that we were able to color them outside on Hailey's little picnic table- woo-hoo! I would hate to have one of those little cups spill in the house! Hailey was so sad when we ran out of eggs to dye.


Hailey & Sofia are almost a year apart in age but are roughly the same height. Sarah and I are constantly being asked are they twins? Our usual response is "Thankfully, no, they're not even related!" We did decide to dress them in matching bright orange shirts one day when we went to Edinborough- so we could spot them better in the crazy play ground.

Water Park

In February Hailey & I were invited to the Grand Rio water park to celebrate Nora's 5th Birthday. We had so much fun! Hailey went down the slide with me the first time and after that she liked to go alone better. She went forward, backward, sitting up, laying down, and on her tummy. She LOVED it and still asks me almost daily if we can go back.

Play Dates

We have been getting together with our friends Christina & Nora a lot this winter. Here's a picture of Hailey and Nora riding a little scooter thing around the house.

Dance Class

In January Hailey was taking dance classes at Dancercise Kids in Minnetonka on Saturday mornings. Sofia spent the night at our house on Friday night and she was going to watch Hailey's dance class in the morning but...there was a rain storm over night. When we left home to go to dance I buckled both girls into their car seats and attempted to drive to class. We didn't even make it off of our street before I lost control of the jeep. We were coming up this little hill where it comes to a T to turn onto a main road. I couldn't stop so I had two choices; I could either hit a snow bank and hopefully stop or go into on coming traffic and possibly get t-boned. I decided the snow bank was the better option. The girls were screaming as the jeep turned and hit the snow bank. I decided we were going home and would all dance at home. I was so nervous about driving back to our house because both ways had a big hill. I finally picked one and made it home safely. The girls still talk about the time when I ran into the snow bank, not how much fun they had dancing around in tutu's!